8300 Memphis Avenue 216-741-1213
Treasure is a 4 year old Lhasa Apso. He is neutered. vaccinated, housetrained and weighs 17 lbs. He is a good watch dog, knows how to give you paw and roll over. He would be a good pet for a family without children. Please call Alaina at 216-571-6859 if you are interested in Treasure.
Nina is a sweet, sensitive 9 year old little girl who would do best in a quiet home with no dogs and no children. Nina has not adjusted well to living with dogs and spends most of her time in hiding. We feel it would be better for her to live in a home where she can roam freely and feel relaxed. Nina is a Siamese mix(?), spayed, vaccinated and healthy. If you are interested in Nina please call Sandy at (216)704-0472
This is Nelson, he was kept in a crate as a puppy and then when mom and dad got a divorce, he went to live with grandma and grandpa who tied him up on a chain. If he got lucky, he got to go in the garage and if he was really lucky he got to spend a little time in the house, which wasn’t often!!!
He really is a good boy, and if you know Goldens, this is not the place to be.
They so much want to be a part of your family and since Nelson never had
that, he has a few trust issues. When you first meet him, he’s standoffish. This boy so badly wants attention and deserves it. Nelson needs an experienced dog person, he would do best as an only dog. Please don’t get me wrong, once he learns your ok he is fine, but this will not come over night HE IS WORTH THE TIME!!! Nelson is 2
years old and as of now has had no medical work done. No small children please.
Please call (440)897-5917 or (440)236-8408 if you are interested in meeting Nelson.
Marshall—would love to have someone around all the time be it a human or another 4 legged friend, he would do fine with kids, he’s a lab boxer mix, he’s curious of cats. He’s a cuddler just so much wanting to please someone he’s never been touched so now he cant get enough he’s just so happy for some one on one. If you want to meet Marshall, please call Sharon @ 440-8975917
We were in a very bad place, our former person didn’t care about us, she feed and watered us every other day, I really don’t remember, I just know now I get fresh water and good food everyday!!!! We spend our days together, we like to play and we are learning to trust!! We get fresh air everyday, we really don’t know how to act with all the new things we get to do!!!!
We have been in a home for almost a year and now the family is going through some problems and would like to re-home us. Qw have only had each other and would love to stay together as we are very bonded.
These 2 girls are about 3 years old, they love to cuddle and it is so sad that they are not sure at first what that is!!! Kids would be fine as long as they are older, they are fine with cats, they are Norwegian Elkhound/ Keeshond mixes. If you want to meet Fall or Summer, please call Sharon @ 440-8975917
Gus– Domestic Short Hair, Tabby
This cat is a real fat-cat, lap-cat with a fun, playful personality. We found Gus as a stray and we have tried to take him in as our pet, but this young adventurer is a little too energetic with our older cats. We want to find a single-cat home for him where he rules to roost.
Gus is about 3 years old. He is neutered and de-clawed, and up-to-date on all shots. He is happy and healthy, but could benefit from a little diet…a single-pet household would make it much easier to control his meals. This fella would make a perfect cat companion.
Please call Christine at 216-382-7023 if you are interested in meeting Gus.
As a courtesy to the community, we will be happy to post any pet you may have up for adoption.
This service is NOT for breeders or parties who sell animals for profit. It is our way of helping families who can no longer keep their pets for whatever reason.
We require a thorough description of the animal and a phone number and/or email address where interested parties can contact you. Because photographs increase the chance of your pet being adopted, we ask for a photograph in a .jpg or .gif format, but it is not a requirement.
In return, we would appreciate a small donation of $5.00.
Please fill out the Adopt My Pet form